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Exquisite Corpse - a photographic vision project

In September, I taught a two-week workshop with David Hilliard (www.davidhilliard.com) at Anderson Ranch Arts Center. We had 12 amazing students in the "Road Not Taken" - where we took the road to Leadville, Carbondale, Marble, and Moab.

One of the points of discussion in the workshop was working outside of one's comfort zone. As an exercise, we distributed three disposable film cameras with 27-exposures. The students were asked to photograph with each camera and pass it on to the next person. Since it was a film camera, it was impossible to know the subject, time or location of the photograph taken before or after. Inspired by the Surrealist drawings of the same name, the project was titled "Exquisite Corpse."

Below is the result of the project. Each participant's point of view is remarkably different. Click in each image to navigate between the contact sheets from each camera.

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